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“Voice of the Ages”

Большой зал

About the event

“Voice of the Ages”
Concert dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the composer Sydyk Mukhamedzhanov.
State Academic Symphony Orchestra of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after. T. Abdrasheva. Artistic director and chief conductor – Kanat Omarov.

State choir named after B. Baikadamov. Artistic director and chief conductor, Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Beimbet Demeuov. Conductors: Adil Bestembekov, Kuanysh Ismailov
Soloists: Excellence in Culture – Roza Bakbergenova (mezzo-soprano), laureates of international competitions: Balzhan Dzhunusova (prima kobyz),
Gulzhazira Zholdasbaeva (soprano), Aliya Aubakirova (mezzo-soprano)
Khalid Orynkul (tenor), Diyar Nursultanov (baritone), Nazerke Abraly (soprano), Erzhan Zhumaniyazov (baritone), Miras Kinyarov (tenor).

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