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95th anniversary of the State and musical public figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zheksembek Yerkimbekov “Otanym”

Большой зал

About the event

Honored Worker of Kazakhstan, composer, pianist – Serik Yerkimbekov
T. Abdrashev State Academic Symphony Orchestra of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Artistic Director and Chief conductor – Kanat Omarov B.Baykadamov State Chapel
Artistic director and chief conductor, Honored Worker of Kazakhstan, recipient of the Orders of “Kurmet” and “Parasat”
Beimbet Demeuov
Honored Workers of Kazakhstan:
Talgat Musabayev, Meir Baynes
Winner of the Daryn State Youth Award
Askar Mukiyat
Winner of the international competition in Paris (Grand Prix)
Nurgul Nusipzhan Laureates of the international competition:
Gulnur Sargisova, Akiner Aylin
Shakarim Symphony
Prologue from the ballet “Eternal Flame”
Piano Concerto with orchestra
The symphonic painting “Minaret”
Orchestral allegro “Altyn Arka”
“Morning of the Motherland”
Vocal and instrumental music

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